Fan Film - Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders - creato per il 30esimo anniversario.
Basato sul personaggio creato da David Fox fb & Matthew kane.
It's 2018, and the world is a dumber place than ever... Space Aliens have built a stupidity machine that's slowly reducing everyone's IQ to single digits. Worse yet, the only person who can stop them is Zak McKracken, reporter for the disreputable National Inquisitor. They've taken over the phone company... Sure, it sounds like another one of Zak's tabloid fantasies. But while most people wouldn't believe him, he finds three who don't need convincing--Annie, Head of the Society of Ancient Wisdom, and her friends, Leslie and Melissa, two Yale coeds who traveled to Mars in their modified van. The four of them must piece together fragments of an ancient puzzle, unmask the aliens, and destroy the stupidity machine.
Elia Piva - Francis Zachary McKracken fb
Laura Fujiko Borgonuovo - Annie Larris fb
Roberto Gamberoni - Boss - The National Inquisitor fb
La Serry - Lori Amore - 11 news fb
S.F. Simone Scopa - Otto
Storia di Daniele Spadoni e Vincenzo Basile
Scritto da Lorenzo Lombardi fb
Assistente alla regia: Patrizia Conti fb
3D Caponian head model by Mohd Mistry
3D Device model by Massimiliano Brugiatelli
Visual Effect Editor: Daniele Spadoni
Fx technical assistant: Simone Scopa fb
Property Master: Simone Scopa
Le voci degli attori:
Francis Zachary McKracken: LEO² Alqadrato Annie Larris : Danya Cericola Boss - The National Inquisitor: Andrea de Nisco Skolarian & Caponians: Riccardo Pinto Melissa China: Laura Valastro Leslie Bennett: Sunny Valerio Otto The Mechanic: Riccardo Pinto
Zak McKracken - Epic; Cover - Age Of Chronicles Music Productions - 2011 Zak McKrackenica edition - Necropolo; Zak McKracken - Classic Theme - Matthew Alan Kane